Finding the perfect gift for dog lovers can be daunting, because there is so much to consider. Do they want something high tech, or something specifically for their pet? Should you get them something they can keep to remember their dog always? Here are a few suggestions for the dog lover in your life.

For The Memorabilia Lover

These clever and simplistic gifts are great for the person who loves memorabilia. They can put their prized pets paw print in a non-toxic clay type substance. Once dry, the print can be tied to a string and hung on the tree or somewhere in the house. This is a great gift, and means they will have the memory of their pet always. Many of these kits can be found online or at stores such as TJ Maxx and Marshalls.

For The Techie

Recently, a company called Furbo has released a camera that allows you to watch your dog’s activities from your smart phone. But the best part about this particular camera is that it throws treats with the push of a button. The idea behind their brand is that dogs spend hours waiting for their humans to come home. This interactive camera breaks up their day, making it feel like you are closer to them. The camera helps owners keep an eye on things, alerting you if they are barking excessively, etc. Furbo can be bought online at

For The Indecisive Person

Sometimes finding anyone a gift can be hard, so finding a dog lover the perfect gift can be nearly impossible. Websites like Chewy and Barkbox offer an answer to the picky or indecisive pet owner. Barkbox sends out a monthly shipment of treats, toys and other odds and ends catered toward what dogs love best. If you are feeling extra generous, you can pay for a few shipments of this dog friendly gift, otherwise a one time order which the owner can choose to keep or cancel is still ideal. Chewy has great prices and is targeted toward offering everything a pet owner could need. They also do monthly shipments, but one time orders are a great gift idea. Visit or for more information.

For The Worrier

Many dog owners worry about the safety of their pets. Microchips are a great way to keep tabs on them if they should ever go missing, but any extra precautions are always a good idea. The SpotLED Tag is a digital ID Tag equipped with a bright LED light that keeps pets visible 1/2 a mile away. The QR Scan Code on the back can be scanned by any smart phone, which then pulls up a pet profile to help give vital information needed to return them to their owner. Great for the over-protective pet parent in your life, this cost efficient item will ensure the safety of their furry friend while keeping your wallet happy. Visit for more information.

As daunting as it can feel to find the perfect gift for dog lovers, the holidays are about sharing the festive mood with loved ones, including our furry friends. Any gift is a good one, but these suggestions might help make it a little easier to find that present that they will cherish forever. Visit for more holiday tips, or check out WAG Brands instagram for all of our pet products.