As our dogs get older, they can experience any number of health issues than can be both painful to them and heartbreaking for us to watch. Arthritis is one such ailment, and it can greatly affect your pet’s quality of life. Treating your dog’s arthritis can help give them a little of their spunk back. There are many new (and old) treatments that can be used to help alleviate their pain.

Exercise and weight management

Keeping an eye on your dog’s overall fitness can help keep their arthritis in check. If your pet is overweight, it can put more strain on their joints. Keeping them in a healthy diet and exercise regime is important for their well-being. Dog treadmills have become more and more prevalent on the market, allowing even less mobile dogs to take advantage of the perks. Walking your arthritic pet helps keep their joints from getting stiff, and it still brings the mental pleasure regular exercise provides them. We recommend the dogPACER Treadmill by WAG Brands ( Between a balanced diet and light exercise, your pet should find their daily routine less strenuous.

Daily helpers

Tonics like CBD are huge on the pet market now, and with good reason. Adding a little CBD to your dog’s daily routine can help with pain and anxiety caused by it. CBD is known to reduce inflammation. It can also help to add ramps or steps in places that are too high for your older pet to jump up to. Beds, furniture or even steps in the house can become problematic for stiff joints. Giving your pet a leg up to their favorite places will help keep them from straining anything further.

Comfort is key

A good night’s rest, or even a peaceful nap, can help reduce joint and muscle pain, too. Finding a bed that provides both ease on sore areas and decent support will ensure a restful slumber. Look for something with memory foam, which is known to provide a soft, supportive surface. Just like with humans, dogs need to get a decent amount of sleep to keep their physical health in check. By giving them a good bed, you are enabling their joints and muscles to regenerate after a day of work. We recommend the Lux Sealy Dog Bed (

There are many ways to help keep your dog’s arthritis at bay. Although there is no cure, there are options to help it from ruining your furry friends quality of life. Treating your dog’s arthritis can be both manageable and easy. Visit for more articles and blog tips for your pet.